3 Ways to Get Your Picky Kids to Eat Meals Without a Fuss - A Parent's Perspective

Nothing is more discouraging than serving a home cooked meal to a picky eater.

Hello fellow parents, my name is Greg Michaelson and I'm an experienced parent of four wonderful, yet sometimes picky eaters. Today, I'm here to share with you three simple ways to get those finicky little ones to eat their meals without making it a battleground. It's important to note that I'm not a health professional, just a parent who's been there and wants to offer some practical tips. So, let's dive in!

1. Make Food They Like and Enhance It with Fun Add-ons

To make meals enjoyable, start by incorporating their favorite ingredients into the dishes you make. Take their preferences into account and try to make something they will genuinely enjoy eating. But there's more you can do to make it even more appealing - add-ons!

  • Cerup: Of course I would suggest Cerup! This cereal drizzle can add some excitement to breakfast or snacks. It definitely makes that bowl of cereal a bit more inviting!

  • Sprinkled Cheese: A sprinkle of cheese can add a whole new level of enjoyment to a dish. Who doesn't love some extra cheese on their pasta or vegetables?

  • Food Coloring: Adding a few drops of food coloring might just entice your little one to eat their meals. Turn mashed potatoes blue or make green scrambled eggs for a fun surprise.

2. Don't Stress Over Uneaten Meals

As parents, we sometimes worry too much about every single meal our kids eat. In fact, when my first child was born, my pediatrician told me to focus on their diet on a weekly basis rather than a daily one. Some days, kids eat a lot, and other days, they seem to survive on air alone. That's normal! So, take a deep breath and remember that the occasional uneaten meal isn't the end of the world.

3. Moderation and a Well-rounded Diet Matter Most

The internet is overflowing with information on "good" foods and "bad" foods, which can make you doubt everything you feed your child. Keep in mind that you can likely find a webpage that demonizes just about any food under the sun. Instead of stressing over food purity, focus on moderation and a well-rounded diet. Offer a mix of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables to keep your kids healthy—perfectly balancing each meal isn't necessary.

Being a parent of picky eaters can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be a constant struggle. Incorporating these three tips into your meal planning strategy can make mealtimes a lot more enjoyable for everyone involved. Remember, though: No one knows your child better than you do. If you're ever concerned about your child's health or diet, consult a medical professional for tailored advice. Happy parenting, and here's to stress-free mealtimes!


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